Help for a Panic Attack – Two Christian Based Anxiety Exercises

I’ve struggled with severe anxiety on and off for most of my life – from the time I was very small. I’ve tried most kinds of remedies, including medications at different times. I’m here to tell you that I got through it and there was a wonderful life on the other side.

These meditation/exercises are not something that is designed to replace the therapies that you have currently.  They are just a couple of activities that will hopefully provide you some relief and help you on your journey to wellness or help get you through a difficult episode. If this is an ongoing issue for you that you don’t have under control, please go see a doctor. There is no shame or judgment in it. Sometimes that is what needs to happen to help drive the shadows away.

First Exercise:

The first exercise comes from a friend who also has suffered from panic attacks most of her life.

One of her strategies for dealing with them is to put post-it notes with scripture around the house to read aloud since it’s often hard to think in the middle of a panic attack. What a great idea!

Why it helps:

  • Writing the scripture helps commit it to memory as well as seeing it in writing before you and reading it aloud. –
  • Reading aloud also helps drive away any negative feelings/forces around you and reminds you of God’s promises.
  • You have scripture right in front of you when you might be too stressed to think of the verses that you need to hear.


Second Exercise:

I was trying to keep my panic at bay before a diagnostic test. I was pacing around the house and my eyes fell on a felt board that I’d hung in the kitchen and hadn’t changed in months. The last time I’d touched it was St. Patrick’s Day:

I wondered why I didn’t think about it before! I could use this! Creating the scripture verse on the board was incredibly therapeutic while at the same time it made me feel like I was fortifying my position of faith and courage in God.

Why it helps:

  • You’re creating a focus activity. You’re searching for letters, which is familiar while also being distracting.
  • You’re then creating a physical outlet by applying the letters to the board.
  • Both of the aforementioned points have a calming effect by simultaneously creating a distraction and giving a feeling of construction or defense. You’re DOING something about your situation (also satisfying fight or flight).
  • You’re meditating on the verse that you’re applying to the board. This is comforting.
  • You’re also able to worship and pray through this form of meditation.
  • You’re helping yourself memorize the aforementioned verse by utilizing kinesthetic learning and repetition.
  • You’re reminding yourself of the contents of the verse that you choose.

If you’re reading this post, I’m praying for you! God bless you and I hope these help!

If you like the particular materials that I chose, here are the links:

Shaped Post-it Notes

These are cute too:

Shapes and Characters Post-it Notes

This is my Letter Board. I liked this one because it came with a variety of letter styles.

Another option is a Magnetic Letter Board


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