Curious and Cozy

Making Breakfast Bar Cookies from Oatmeal Packets

Like many other Americans, I’m supposed to be adding more oatmeal to my diet.

I try. I really do.

When I’m walking through the grocery store and picking out tasty oatmeal flavors, I fully intend to eat every one that I put in the cart.

Then reality happens. Oatmeal is mushy. It’s time consuming, messy, and it gets cold fast.

Oatmeal breakfast bars usually have dairy (something I also avoid), are higher in calories than packets, and really don’t have as much oatmeal in them. Plus, they are pricey. So, I started experimenting.

Softy Oatey Cookies

1 large banana (or about 3/4 cup – 1 cup applesauce, pumpkin and 2 teaspoons raw sugar, or smooshed mango)

5 packets of oatmeal of your choice

1 1/2 Tablespoon oil

1 egg or equivalent egg substitute

1/3 to 1/2 cup whole wheat flour

add-ins of your choice (see below – optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Mash banana, then stir in egg and oil until smooth. Add oatmeal packets and 1/3 cup flour and stir to blend. If your blend is too soupy, add a little more flower to get a wet “cookie like” consistency.

Stir in add-ins if using.

Lightly grease cookie sheet, then drop into 5 large cookies. Bake approximately 14 minutes, until the bottoms are lightly brown and the cookie is set.

For calories, add about 85 calories to the original oatmeal packet, less if you use the pumpkin.

These will require refrigeration for storage if you aren’t planning on eating them within a day.


Add-in Ideas:

1/4 cup Chocolate chips or white chocolate chips

1/4 cup Raisins

1 teaspoon flax seed

2 Tablespoons nuts

1/2 teaspoon chia seed

Substitute half of the oil for peanut butter


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